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More Year Term Course Number Course Name Course Description
2021 Fall TE 100 Introduction to Innovation, Leadership and Engineering Entrepreneurship Could not retrieve description for Course
2021 Fall TE 110 Communicating and Presenting in Engineering Could not retrieve description for Course
2021 Fall TE 200 Introduction to Innovation Could not retrieve description for Course
2021 Fall TE 230 Design Thinking/Need-Finding Could not retrieve description for Course
2021 Fall TE 250 From Idea to Enterprise Could not retrieve description for Course
2021 Fall TE 333 Creativity, Innovation, Vision Could not retrieve description for Course
2021 Fall TE 360 Lectures in Engineering Entrepreneurship Could not retrieve description for Course
2021 Fall TE 401 Developing Breakthrough Projects Could not retrieve description for Course
2021 Fall TE 460 Lectures in Engineering Entrepreneurship Could not retrieve description for Course
2021 Fall TE 461 Technology Entrepreneurship Could not retrieve description for Course
2021 Fall TE 498 Special Topics III Could not retrieve description for Course
2021 Fall TE 566 Finance for Engineering Mgmt Could not retrieve description for Course
2021 Fall TE 567 Venture Funded Startups Could not retrieve description for Course