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More Year Term Course Number Course Name Course Description
2021 Fall MSE 182 Introduction to MatSE Could not retrieve description for Course
2021 Fall MSE 201 Phases and Phase Relations Could not retrieve description for Course
2021 Fall MSE 307 Materials Laboratory I Could not retrieve description for Course
2021 Fall MSE 396 Introduction to Research Could not retrieve description for Course
2021 Fall MSE 401 Thermodynamics of Materials Could not retrieve description for Course
2021 Fall MSE 404 Laboratory Studies in Materials Science and Engineering Could not retrieve description for Course
2021 Fall MSE 406 Thermal-Mech Behavior of Matls Could not retrieve description for Course
2021 Fall MSE 492 Lab Safety Fundamentals Could not retrieve description for Course
2021 Fall MSE 500 Statistical Thermodyn of Matls Could not retrieve description for Course
2021 Fall MSE 529 Hard Materials Seminar Could not retrieve description for Course
2021 Fall MSE 559 Soft Materials Seminar Could not retrieve description for Course
2021 Fall MSE 595 Materials Colloquium Could not retrieve description for Course